Thursday, November 27, 2008

too much cold case

I don't know why I keep having dreams about myself going on dates lately, but Taylor was trying to help me decide on what to wear. I just put on a gray tshirt and jeans and I was ready to go and she stops me saying, "EW! YOU LOOK AWFUL!" haha. so she took forEVER trying to dress me.. meanwhile, I couldn't figure out how to play Christmas music on my iPod because it was all weird. Then, for some reason it flipped and it was this creepy community in the woods and my dad was involved and they were killing people. It was so weird, they killed this man and then tried covering it up all strangely. Then my mom wanted to join to be with me and they made her plot to kill some other guy. The dream ended before she could, but she had the tractor and the murder weapon READY. Wow, then there was this epic part where we were waiting for a flood. It was me, some guy, and two older ladies inside this giant room with all glass windows.. The two older ladies were getting drunk and emotional and could NOT stop crying. I looked outside and in this car parked out front there was a little girl! I wanted to go get her out but they told me not to in case the food comes.. and I was like, oookaaay and it would be better here in this GLASS ROOM? So I went to go get this little girl and she crawls out of the car and begins coming into the house herself. All of the sudden I lose it, and begin crying hysterically. Mostly because this little girl had no chance at life and now she's going to die in the flood. I remember I just kept thinking like 'I wonder if anyone has ever loved her, or if she knows the feeling of love at all...' and I just could NOT stop crying. then we ran into this hallway and when we looked back the flood had hit and it was coming toward us.

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