Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Alright well I had boxing gloves in the trunk of my car, and I don't know why. Hank, my first exboyfriend, was trying to date me again hahaha, and I was actually pregnant. While pregnant, something traumatic happened and the baby came out really early (because I watched the movie Jack yesterday) and i was holding my really small premature child! he was sooo cute and I loved him so much. Well, with Hank trying to get back with me I was trying to dodge him and hide from him, so I went to the beach. There was this camera crew folling like three blonde girls around, and I went up to them and asked them what show they were from. They said it's a new one on MTV and all you have to do is send in a video of yourself and they'll give you your own show. hahaha.. All I could think was, jeeze they're literally letting anyone on TV!! so I left the beach with my baby, and went to some party. There were so many people from my high school, and all I wanted was to eat some Mexican food. Hank kept trying to follow me around and all I wanted to do was get away!! I couldn't dodge him, so I told him that the baby was his and he raaaaaaannn!! haha.. even though I have no idea whose child it was. There was something else at this party... OH yea! I had this book from all of my memories from high school compiled together like a scrapbook, probably from reading my book that will change my life. haha

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