Monday, December 15, 2008

The School Bus Worked!!!!!

Brandon and I were sitting around watching movies from our old vacations (which we actually did last night), when we decided that we wanted to go to a restaurant. We go to this bar type place and this really skinny Mexican guy I've never seen before is our old friend. He's talking to us about how he works at the bar but doesn't like it because he needs more money. We're talking to him about how we really want to take an adventure since we just watched all of our movies. He tells us to go to this house and there will be a man there and he'll tell us how to have an adventure. Brandon and I follow the directions he gave us, and it leads us to this small house that's pretty secluded. We walk up, and there are huuuundreds of wind chimes outside. Those ugly sounding wooden ones! I haaate wooden wind chimes haha. So we go inside, and it was a total Charlie's Angels type of situation. We don't see the guy but we can hear him. We are sitting in this bedroom in the back of the house and there's no way to tell where his voice is coming from. He tells us if we want an adventure he has the perfect place, but he can't tell us how to get there. He explains that he'll have someone pick us up. He says, "BUT! You must pay close attention.. You will come to a wall of ocean, when you do, scream what you want into the ocean. Yell at the wall of water. Then test its strength and talk down to the wall. If there is a God, it will make a wave and fall into a normal beach." And now our ride was outside.
Baffled, Brandon and I walk outside to see Anthony Uhalley sitting in (YESSSSSSSSSSS!) a school bus with Jeff. Now, Jeff isn't EXACTLY the driver of this school bus, but there is no driver, just us four in the bus.... sooo.. maybe more of a magic school bus situation? Anyway, we're driving for a really long time through roads, pastures, near horses and cows.. it was beautiful. Finally, we pull up to this wall of water that's somewhat surrounded by a cliff.
I can't find a picture of something similar, but it was the most beautiful thing. We pull the bus over, line up along the cliff and it totally looked like the Garden State scene. Brandon, Anthony, Jeff, and I just screeeeeamed at the top of our lungs toward this wave. I took a picture of it with my disposable camera haha. We kept yelling into it. I walked a few feet away and sat on the edge of this cliff near Jeff. Brandon and Anthony kept screaming to the wall of water haha. The four of us started challenging it like the guy told us to do. "YOU CAN'T FALL!" When suddenly, OHH YES, the wall of water came down like a regular wave and then just looked like a normal beach! we got SOAKED when it crashed. Everyone was just silent in amazement then as soon as we looked around and saw how wet everyone was we just laaaughed and laughed. We felt sooo accomplished, and just drove back home. I didn't dream of the drive, but when I got back I had dinner with some man. He was older and he kept wanting to talk about a job or the sushi we were eating or something, but I kept asking his opinion on this water wall!!! I was like, "I didn't even question it before, how is there this 40 foot tall water of all. Is it the energy in our voices that just made it fall???" and he was so distracted it didn't even help. I ordered some Salmon Roll.

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