Monday, October 27, 2008

white trash?

In this dream I was actually Lisa Kudrow. Actually, I was Lisa Kudrow as Pheobe Buffay. FINALLY! watching Friends before bed has had some affect on my dream! I was even hanging out with Monica and Rachel, who were Lindsey and Carlie. Carlie was Rachel, or Jennifer Anniston. The three of us were HANGING OUT in a truck station. When I say truck, I mean Semi-Truck! We were like the 'homless hotties' of the station! I was trying to learn how to drive a semi-truck and Carlie and Lindsey were flirting with all of these truck driver guys, who were actually good looking in the dream. Well Carlie, or Rachel, got this one fellow's name and he told her to call him without leaving his number or anything. But! She knew that he had been on one of the computers (?) in the other room (?) and that we could track him by finding the right one. Well, we go in to this computer room, and there are over 50 computers. It was a circle building and the computers were next to each other and wrapped around the entire building. Well, we went computer to computer searching for this guy!! I believe his name was Renee. While we were looking at all of the different computers frantically, people kept walking by talking about Renee and some offensively hilarious thing he just said! We knew we were close, but I kept telling Carlie what the people were saying about him didn't sound too attactive. My phone has been ringing off the hook waking me up for the next 20 minutes of the dream... (in real life) and all I remember from the end was dog wrestling? Me sleeping next to dogs? Trying to get comfortable when laying with dogs? I don't know, it was very strange.

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