Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I really don't remember much from last night's dream. I know I had one, which is extremely frustrating. What I remember, is that I lived on my own with Taylor and Allie. We went to a work pool party where there was a spa, and we all tried getting in but i kept slipping. Chris was there, asking about Christine. I told him I don't know, and blamed him for how she is. Before the pool party girls were putting blush on their entire body to look more tan hahaha. And again, when we were there, this old lady came up and asked me to gather as much ice as i could and follow her next door with it. so i did!
Ah! I just remembered there was something to do with The Deli? hmm.. I wish I could remember more. I was in such a deep sleep, it's hard to recall :)
oh well, there's always tonight!

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