Wednesday, January 28, 2009


well i had this dream, drove all the way home from Riverside, THEN remembered it.. so it's a little fuzzy. i know that we were in Golden Gate Park, mmm, and there was some type of classes that we were taking there. there was something about running for office or a position of some sort. anyway, Brandon and i had gotten really bored or something so we saw this girl standing kind of far away and walked over to her. she sat on this tray type of thing and went down this huuuuuge water slide, so we followed. we just slid down this huge water slide through Golden Gate Park like it was a river.. bending, turning, going fast, slowing down.. allll through the trees. it was really beautiful. then in woke up and rolled over to and put on my boots and Brandon woke up from the other side of the room and said, "are you leaving?" i answered yes, then woke up again and realized that i never had boots. the weird part was that when i woke up for REAL, not in the dream, Brandon woke up and said the same thing, identical to the dream. fun stuff.

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