Sunday, January 4, 2009

another Emile Hirsch encounter

okay, i brought CJ with me to my ex boyfriend's house because i was SO nervous about seeing him again since it's been over two years. we got really stoned? the thing is, we didn't GET stoned, we just WERE stoned... well, we went to his house and ate some really good food with iced tea and stuff and he was same old Hank. really weird, really angry haha. then something strange came on the TV and it was these two really old ladies at a baseball game in Ireland who wore two sets of those rubber boobs, one on top and one to cover their privates. it was weiiiiird. then when i left i was supposed to meet a bunch of my friends at like a Rite Aid, yea it was Rite Aid, definitely not Walgreens or something. so i was the first one there, and i had to use the bathroom.. well, i was still all stoned or SOMETHING and i fell ASLEEP in the public restroom. i started like coming out of my sleep and i hear people saying like, "WOW. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED! where was Julie? wasn't she supposed to be here???" so i go outside of the bathroom and Martin, the like 50 year old Mexican server at work had slipped in Rite Aid and split his head open REALLY badly. they were saying how he had blood like ALL over his clothes.. i just kept trying to look on the bright side by saying, "well, if he lives then he could sue because they didn't have a 'CAUTION: WET FLOOR'! Martin's going to be rich!" haha. i went and looked at Disney DVDs for a whiiile and didn't end up buying any. then i left Rite Aid and went to Six Flags Magic Mountain?? and my friend Holly was there at the bar! she turns 21 this month in real life, so i had dreamt she was already 21. she was sitting there with this REALLY annoying guy.. like everything i said he would repeat or interrupt. i was like CAN MY FRIEND AND I HAVE A CONVERSATION, PLEASE! haha. then i started seeing all of my friends from high school and it was so random. UGH, then, OF COURSE, AGAIN, freaking Emile Hirsch was there!! we were all in this like private area, and he was standing there with like a room behind him. haha, so i looked at him then like nodded to the room like "let's go in" like a TOTAL slut, haha, and he was like "NO, NO way, i don't do that with strangers". and then i got so bummed because i mean, it's freaking Emile Hirsch, and then he goes, "why don't you try asking me again". so i did the same head nod thing and he grabbed my hand and backed into the room and we started to make out a little bit. THEN we realized that like the entire room was made of windows and ALL of Six Flags could see us making out, and we freaked out haha. so we just went to like the side of the room and layed down together. like i was behind him, and he was sitting in my legs, if that makes sense. we were just talking and laughing and OF COURSE getting along wonderfully. this part was weird, because when i was sitting there behind him it felt SO real. like my face was right next to his ear and neck and then i distinctly remember thinking like, "MAN, this is a dream again. what should i ask him?" then i remember consciously taking a deep breath like out of disappointment haha. but this part lasted a while, so i was happy. then the kid whose room it was busted in and got SO pissed for us being in there and we had to run out immediately. we did, and i lost Emile. when i walked outside i couldn't find him but i found Brandon and we looked at each other as if we BOTH had the weirdest days, and we were just like.. "LETS LEAVE." when we were leaving Emile was sitting on this bench and he handed me this videotape and he said something like "until next time" haha ... so i go back home and watch the videotape and it's a video that Emile and i made hahaha like acting like a married couple but it was SO lame it was hilarious... then we slowly turned into old people and we were wearing all of this old people make up saying stupid jokes like, "WELL MY HIP IS OUT OF PLACE AND YOU DON'T GIVE ME NOOKIE ANYMORE AFTER TEA TIME!" hahaha, it was sooooo funny i was BUSTING up! i think that was the end...

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