Monday, February 2, 2009


the entire plot was like ENOUGH or even that movie with Julia Roberts where she dresses like that dykie dude and kills her husband, haha. DYLAN, my exboyfriend, was abusive. it was so funny, my mom would see bruises on me and not believe me when i told her i slipped. then he and i would hang out and he would be SOOOOOOOOO crazy! he was constantly asking me, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY DON'T YOU COME LAY DOWN WITH ME? and i'm like making slight excuses! i'd say i had work when i wanted to go to the park, haha. then we were at this gas station once, and i wanted to LEAVE so i asked for the bathroom key, and he came to the bathroom with me because he had to go, too. so i let him use the bathroom first and BOOKED IT. hahaha, i left and he thought that i had died or something, just like that Julia Roberts movie. i remember i could see him talking to some guy, like a scene from a movie, i was nowhere around... and the other guy was telling him, "Dude! I saw her alive!" or something like, "There's a chance she's still out there! She's yours you have to find her!" haha, and i was like nooooo! so i moved away, and got this job in a clothing store. i remember i was talking to one of the coworkers and telling her everything, and i got really excited to come up with a disguise. haha. "i get to cut my hair all crazy and dye it! he'll never ever know!!" then my alarm woke me up and ended that dream, and when i fell back asleep there was a little dream of me and Zach Harmony at Chaffey, even though it was more like a high school because we got in trouble for walking around during class periods, haha.

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