Sunday, February 1, 2009

alright i remember my friend from work kept making me take baths with her with our clothes on, haha. we would just sit there in reaaally hot water. i rememberrrrr Nigel Barker (that photographer from Top Model) was there and he was just reading a magazine at this dinner table. Shaun, my 5 year old nephew, was like 2 and we were looking through books from my cousins' vacation? it was so random. aannnndd i had some really tall blonde neighbor and he was soooo a rapist. he would come over and hit on my mother and i and we got so freaked out! then i went to work and i was at the ROUND TOP, the worst section ever. they were selling copies of Little Women at my work, haha. and EW.. i worked with Danielle Morin. then i went to some elementary school to watch over this class while the teacher was out for like 5 minutes.. well it ended up taking her like 10 and this kid Carlos (who resembled this loudmouth in one of my classes last semester) would NOT shut up! so i just sat back and let him go crazy.. just then, some kid came out of this cabinet and was like, i'm so scared of him. he came to my house once and tried killing my mom.. blah blah blah.. it was sooo weird. and we had all of this pottery laying around and that kid Carlos kept breaking it everywhere. it was upsetting, haha.

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